For the past year I have sacrificed my waistline (blaming it all on the steroids) and made a concerted effort to visit all 50 of these fine eateries. I like to think that I single-handedly prop-up the fine dining sector, but I can assure you, Aucklanders seems to be eating their way out of the recession - restaurants always full and always merry. Bookings are still hard to come by - no Friday or Saturday nights bookings at my next target, Merediths, until 2010.
This week I knocked off two more:
Pure: we bundled over to Jervois Road for a most perfect night celebrating flatties birthday - we heard that they did a lime brulee and just had to be there. Wonderful wine, food, service and most importantly company. Highly recommended.
Cibo: with friends up from the mainland I thought Cibo should be the next target. Strangely I had never managed to get myself to Cibo and it's been around forever - 10 years? What a great night we had - once again we were the last to leave (twice in one month!). I have to say everything was perfect - just like Pure - and the service was totally amazing and again the company made for a perfect night. As a treat they gave us passion fruit marshmallows to roast over the pond fire - yummy!
I think now I only have nine restaurants left on my Bucket List. Once completed I'll visit my favourites all over again.