Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Snoring causes cancer!

A common question I get is “why did I get cancer” or a variation of this “what causes Lymphoma”. I get all sorts of theory’s put to me – the food I eat, the cosmetic products I use, stress, karma (yes really), you name it, it’s been blamed.

However, in the darkness last night, whilst I lay awake to the symphony of snoring, I had a eureka moment! Snoring causes cancer – or rather the lack of quality sleep causes cancer. And here is my evidence ...

Every night 75% of patients in my room snore – yes really – it is a torture session for the likes of me. I am absolutely sure that this percentage is higher than the normal population? Of the remaining 25%, 98% would sleep with said snorers, so again don’t sleep and the remaining 2% - such as me – simply don’t sleep very well full stop.

So in my delirious sleep-depraved mind this all made perfect sense – lack of sleep, caused by snoring, causes cancer! The stats above are completely accurate and scientifically collated and will stand up to peer review. I’m sure I can even get a big research grant for this study.

So snorers – go to your doctor and sort it. Even if by some slim chance I’m wrong about the cancer thing, snoring is just plain wrong and needs to be stamped out immediately.

In fact this is my Rule for Life #2: Don't snore!


Lea White said...

Sounds like a perfectly good theory, so let's stick to that...

We're back on Dex so it's been a bit tough. Lucky only until Saturday morning and then no more until next month.

How many patients do you share a room with? We've been lucky and we've never had to share a room with other patients.

Lea White

Annie Fox! said...

Hi Lea,

I share with 3 others. And by some miracle only 1 of them snored last night and I took a sleeping tablet so didn't hear a thing - bliss.

My niece, never has to share either - lucky kids - but with her Mum staying with her it wouldn't really work being in a ward I wouldn't think.

After 5 weeks of being at Starship I don't know how they haven't gone mad, but both are trucking along in a nice routine.

To be honest the ladies are good company - would be really bored without them.

They are releasing me today - they are short of beds and I'm well - so yay I can go.

Say hi to Bianca, hope the Dex isn't too hard on her.

Bye for now,

stop snoring naturally said...

Snoring can lead to cardiovascular disease, but cancer? I think we need more research on this.

Richard C. Lambert said...

However, in the darkness last night, whilst I lay awake to the symphony of snoring, I had a eureka moment! Snoring causes cancer – or rather the lack of quality sleep causes cancer. And here is my evidence ... zquiet sleep apnea