Tuesday, 27 October 2009

How profound

You know those little things in life that just frustrate the hell out of you. Those little irritations that make you wonder if you're really might have a mental illness for finding it so annoying, until you speak to others and find the same frustration has been brewing within them too.

Lately it's the pure lack of absorbency of 90% of the teatowels on the market - they are frankly quite waterproof (although I'm sure the ones pictured work a-okay). Yes I can see that this might sound like the rantings of a brain tumour patient, but this illustrates a long line of business incompetence and shocking productivity. From the manufacturer who obviously doesn't use the product, to the wholesaler who doesn't use the product to the retailer who doesn't use the product. Hours of manpower wasted, tonnes of materials wasted, shipping tonnage wasted ... all this activity for nought. They could have done the truly productive thing and shipped me Tanquery Gin instead.

Before anyone jumps on and says one needs to wash the teatowels before they are used, I'm up with the play here and can assure you that this practice is adhered to - in fact I wash them up to 10 times - but to no avail. I'm not sure what is deemed an acceptable number of wash times at the Teatowel Absorbency Commission, but 10 sounds excessive. Anyway at this point the teatowel is fired on the spot and lives out its short life as a useless welfare rag, just taking up space and contributing nothing. Eventually one of us uses it to wipe up some vile thing or other and it is sent on its merry way to the landfill - good riddance!

Anyway, I'm one of those people that dreams most every night and remembers it most every morning. My mind just throws together a strange mix of characters and thoughts into a weird - but not too often disturbing - tale. The other night I had a dream where I was making a speech (yes that bit was weird) proclaiming that the best ever possible gift, the gift that truly shows ones love and the gift that proclaims the highest respect, was the gift of your own rare and valuable pre-loved absorbent teatowels. How's that for profound?

Tune in tomorrow for the outrageous concept: politicians are just a bunch of arse!

The fact that there hasn't been one assassination on these 'troughers' probably says more about the tolerance of the Kiwiman or his stupidity. Mind you just about everyone are 'troughers' now days, and the rest are too busy working trying to keep this country afloat - hey, good luck with that one.

Mind you the fact that no one tried to burn down Mark Bryers (Blue Chip) house or at least give him a jolly good smack around the head, totally mystifies me too.

PS: You even need to wash Chux dishcloths now to get them working - what's with that.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


God this blog has taken me five days to put together and is still a load of bollocks.

Sunday: Wanted to head out for a nice meal, so we checked all over the place, nothing much open. But Non-Solo Pizza was and is a good as ever - great night.

Monday: Em took myself and Em's parents up to Whangarei to check out some LabraDoodle puppies - very, very cute - would love to have one - but no.

On the way up we thought we would do our public service and review the Skyline Cafe at the top of the Brynderwyns for you. This cafe has always been an absolute dog, but every five years or so someone needs to put their life on the line and actually eat there - just in case a new owner with business brains takes over.

Well I'm sorry to say that this hasn't happened and the place has slipped down even further, if that is at all possible. Every aspect of the place is appalling: food, decor, hygiene, toilets, furniture and service - totally unbelievable. The outlook is the only aspect that is amazing - it's such a shame - fantastic location.

Monday night: So headed back home to the lazyboy to rest up. Unfortunately the pain in my shoulder went into overdrive, once again I woke poor Em and the ambulance was called. No laughing gas this time, but they helped me with my medication and stayed with me until the pain was under control - ambo team once again the heros.

Knowing how to control the pain when it gets to that level is reassuring. Hospice have switched the daily pain medication back to Methadone from Codeine and I am comfortable again.

Wednesday: Another visit to the lawyer to have a document signed for the bloody council - I'm not going into details as it winds me up so much. Anyway had lunch at the O'Connel Street Bristrol, so that made up for it - talk about the extreme of Brynderwyns - fantastic food, service and wine.

Thursday: Went to daystay for another bout of chemo and then dinner down the road at a friends place - all good.

Labour weekend: Off up to the bach for the weekend with the family. Neck pain seems to have moved along somewhat - fingers crossed.

Summary: Well wasn't that an exciting week :o/

Friday, 16 October 2009

Bad Film Warning

Samson & Deliliah is currently playing at Rialto, which I just viewed this afternoon and felt an urgent need to rush home and give a strong health warning. Here is the film teaser:

Samson and Delilah’s world is small - an isolated community in the Central Australian desert. When tragedy strikes they turn their backs on home and embark on a journey of survival. Lost, unwanted and alone they discover that life isn’t always fair, but love never judges.

Rating: R16 - Violence & Drug Use, 101 mins
Genre: Drama

Oh my god it was torture - poking my eye out would be preferable - it ends a run of great films. There was no journey of survival, just misery played out so slowly I shut my eyes shut for most of the 101 minutes (100 minutes too long). The Violence & Drug Use was boring and Drama it most certainly wasn't. Peter Calder gave it a 4-star rating - I'll never trust his reviews again - he must have been drunk.

I'm sure there are plenty of art fart academics that rate it highly, but only because it is an Aboriginal politically correct topic. I'm sure the poor Aussie taxpayer fronted up for this rubbish.

Slow crap films like this most certainly make it on to my "dying young has a plus side" list.

You have been warned.

Thursday, 15 October 2009


Well I've been told I've been rather slack lately and need to whacked out blogs more regularly, I don't really have much to talk about, but here are some things I've got up to:

Movie: Down the road we are lucky to have our local Capitol Cinema that has recently undergone a renovation by the owner of the Lido. So on Monday we headed off to see In the Loop a brilliant political satire. It is a scriptwriters dream movie and I found myself rather tired at the end due to concentrating on the script delivered by a great team of actors. Rating 4/5 - highly recommended - lots of laughs. Negative - no fruit icecream only sweet chocolate stuff - yuck.

Sleeping: Neck pain has been increasing over the last week, so sleep has been somewhat shallow - thus I've been sleeping in rather late. Lazyboy is about to be delivered, which will mean I can sleep sitting up which will help massively.

Treatment: WBC was good enough for a lumber puncher chemo on Tuesday which went well. Another due next Thursday, hopefully this will reduce the pain and lump in the neck.

So sorry not much to report. I'll leave you with the thoughts of others:
Not PJ: Too Big Not To Fail
Cactus Kate: P for Pathetic
Perigo: Key Tackles G
Whaleoil: ACC

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Another Update

Headed to Daystay for some chemo today, but my WBC was too low, so I was sent back home ... again. This was rather strange, as two days ago WBC was fine. We will try again next Tuesday.

Feel fine, except for a headache that is slowly getting worse each day - can't figure out why. Think that someone has been spiking my decaf flat whites so now I'm in withdrawal, or maybe it's the cold thing I'm still trying to conquer, or maybe a brain tumour - yep let's go with the dramatic one - tumour it is.

Probably just exhaustion actually - I had a rather busy week last week (Photo: Julia & I in Mt Maunganui for Organ Donation Walk), and still haven't managed to find much time to relax - off to the couch now.

Julia & brother off to Japan today for the Japanese Transplant Games - lucky, lucky.

Because I would have moaned and thrown an eppy if they hadn't done their job, I feel that I should say that Labtests got my results to the doctors as directed - problems seem to be sorted - excellent.