Wednesday, 10 June 2009


Bad news from the MRI that I had Friday last week. It shows cancer on the C3 & C4 vertebrae and a lump under my arm. All this of course explains the massive pain and discomfort I've been having in my neck and shoulder.

In the meantime I've been put on 16mg of Dexamethasone every day and this killed the pain within 4 hours of my first dose - arh bliss. I wasn't going to handle all this so well being in that amount of pain.

Also I am on Methadone which works much better in pain reduction than Pethidine and unlike the Morphine doesn't make me throw up two or three times per day - a relief to finally get on top of all this - without the horrible side effects.

Treatment is unknown at this stage, still under investigation at the hospital. Will update you as soon as I know.


Oswald Bastable said...

I'm sorry to hear that- not good news at all.

Cactus Kate said...

Keep on the drugs girl. Bless.

Falafulu Fisi said...

Hi Annie, I hope that you can join us on Saturday night if you're well, even for a short period. Being in good spirits in the company of others can sometimes help the healing process, if not physical then perhaps emotional.

Annie Fox! said...

Don't worry Sione, I'll be there on Saturday.

laughykate said...

I hope you can see your way through the drug fug and it keeps the pain away.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Annie.

Checked in to see how things are going. I'm very sorry to hear the MRI news. I'm glad to hear the pain medication is better suited, though.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear. Good luck with all the drugs - especially the Dex. It is good for killing pain, but not so pleasant in other areas as you know.

Praying you will find comfort and that soon they will have a clearer idea treatment-wise.

Lea White

Madeleine said...

Annie I am so sorry. I know you've been battling awful pain and to find out that was the cause...

I hope the news is positive as to treatment options.

Stay strong.